Justus 25th April 2021

Happy 80th Birthday Nanna! My two most special memories of you Nan are when Shane and I came to England in September 2007 for our honeymoon, we really appreciated your hospitality and kindness in putting us up for those 4 weeks. Shane has quite fond memories of the Bacon & Eggs you cooked us that we woke up to each morning. I used to love listening to you telling us old stories as well. (I miss that) We could not have asked for a better or kinder Nan who made us feel at home even though we were a world away from our home. My second fondest memory is when I came to England in July 2008 so you could meet Jasmine. I am so grateful that Jasmine could meet you and you are now known to her as “Brown Girl In The Ring Nanna” after the song you used to sing to her! Even though she was only one I know she remembers you as she still has your photos around the place and talks to you on the phone quite frequently. My only wish is that you were not so far away and that we could just drop in on you any time we liked. We really do miss you Nanna and I do not know a more kinder, loving or giving person who looks after all those around her before herself. Nanna when I am older I can only hope I am just as good a person as you are. Nanna we love you and even though you are an ocean away we think of you always. Love Sonia, Shane & Jasmine xoxox